Monday, February 25, 2008

All Mixed Up and Very Raw

Well, it's hard to know quite where to start but after being gone this weekend from home and the kids I really thought today was about jumping back into our normal routine. It sure didn't happen that way. It started out just like any other day really.
Alarm went off at 630am, got the kids up, lunches made, got ready for the day. I took the first batch of kids to school and was wondering what I was forgetting and why all those people were standing lined up all along the front of the school. Not thinking too much of it at the time, I went back home continued with this and that. The phone rang, and it was my close friend telling me that something horrible had happened and involved some kids that go to my kids school.
She proceeded to tell me that the dad had killed the wife and three of the kids and also himself. The 14 year old who goes to my daughters school survived. I also came to find out that the youngest of the kids was a kindergardener and the two little girls were ages 8 and 9. My kids didn't know them very well but did know who they were.
I've been through a whole slew of emotions today. I've been all mixed up with pure shock, heartache, believe it or not thankfulness that the guy didn't put my kids at risk, gratefulness that though there's a very tough road ahead, that 14 year old boy survived!!! I've been really surprised at just how much I've been affected by this. The kids all handled it differently and as I expected the little one was acting up quite a bit this week which isn't like her. She may act up here and there but not for a whole week. I'm just trying to have some extra grace for the kiddos this week. Well, how do you end something like this. I guess just that I pray that God blesses that 14 year old boy beyond belief, and also to remember to be thankful for the here and now you just never know how God numbered our days. Enjoy today the best you can!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So, it's been a while since I last posted. Wow, almost a month! Well, it's been pretty event-filled to say the least. I'll try and fill you in on a few things but I won't go in any particular order, just by what my scattered mind allows me to remember.

Well, starting with the most current, I'm sad to say that Emmabear is sick AGAIN! I can't believe this flu season. It is by far the worst that I've ever seen since I've had kids. After 16 hours she is finally starting to feel a little bit better, but boy has she tugged on my heartstrings today. She was tearfully pleading 'Jesus please make my tummy all better, I don't feel like being sick!' I wished I could trade places with her.

Larry and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary! We spoiled ourselves by going to the spa. Enjoyed it as always. When we got home we were surprised that our middle two were making us what turned out to be a scrumptious ' anniversary ' cake. So sweet of them. Then we went to a yummy steakhouse close by that we really like. Our newly 12 year old was dipping her feet into baby-sitting at night for us and did a great job.

Our daughter Hannah entered a contest at school to design the cover of this years yearbook. She ended up winning which truthfully wasn't surprising at all! We're so happy for her and proud of her though. Quite the talented artist she is.

Hubby quit his job and has been at home the last few weeks studying in a new field. So that's a big change. Thankfully he left appraising on friendly terms and now has a great opportunity. We'll have to see what the next few months bring eh.

We hung out with Myke and Dara on Saturday night. That was something we haven't done in a while. We went to a restaurant called Catals in Downtown Disney. It was yummy and as always lots of fun just hanging out with them.

Oh, I guess I should mention that morning (Saturday) I got my haircut. That might not be too big of a surprise, but I did get it cut shorter than I've ever had it before. I've always wanted to go super-short but just wasn't brave enough. Well, finally did, plus changed the hair colour yet again (I like changing things up a bit.......get bored easy). Anyways, I'm really happy with the new do, and bonus.... Larry loves it too! Emma wants me to glue my hair back on but I told her everyone has different tastes.

Christians soccer team played all-star district (quite an accomplishment in itself) and beat the other team 5-0 with us having only 7 players no subs and them having basically two fresh new teams. It was quite a victory that our guys were very deserving of. Buddy boy saved the team a bunch of times stopping any goals from coming our way. Oh yeah, and he lost a total of four teeth now. He's quite fond of money cause atleast two of the four teeth were'nt even loose when he pulled them out. Believe me, I was NOT encouraging him.

Lastly, I'm leaving tomorrow night (Thursday) to go to Vegas with two of my dearest girlfriends. There was going to be six of us but it's rather hard getting six moms of atleast four to get our schedules all to coordinate. So we'll be us three. We're just going for the weekend and we'll be back Sunday night. It'll be nice to sleep in, read, not have to clean......just hanging out, talking, laughing being girly girls. I'm just really praying that no else gets sick because it will be very hard to leave!!!

Oh, for anyone interested in a great book. Okay first of all, I don't read all that much. Don't have much time or even care to honestly. A friend recommended a book called ' The Shack ' by William P. Young (canadian.....boooyaa) anyways, I cried tears of sorrow and joy in it and finished it in about two days. Easy read, very touching, impacting book.