Friday, April 13, 2007

Sadly Distracted

Well, today I've been trying to get caught up on some of the neglected things around here since having my parents stay with us for 2 weeks. I don't know about you but I'd MUCH rather hang out and spend time with loved ones then stay caught up on the laundry or scrubbing the bathroom tub. Housework will unfortunately always be here for me to parents on the otherhand are over 3000 miles away.
I've always been very close with my mom - she's like a best friend to me-we've been through a lot together. My dad, is very special to me too! Though he's very quiet...I know he loves me.
We celebrated my moms birthday, went to Vegas for a weekend, to the beach of coarse, and shared some yummy meals all while taking many, many photos. It always pains me greatly to see them go, but at the same time I am SO very grateful to be able to see them at all!
Luckily I have four precious gems to (well five if you count Larry) to distract me and keep me busy. The kids have been on Spring break this week so we've been squeezing in all the fun that we can. After we dropped Oma and Opa off at the airport yesterday, Larry took his teary-eyed family to our favourite restaurant "the Pancake House". After breakfast I met some girlfriends and all their kids(16 of us total) at Boomers in Irvine. It's an amusement/recreation park. I wanted to take the kids minds and mine off of being sad and just have some fun. We did!


Evert Heskes said...

Yeah Cherie has a blog! and I love the name of it!!! I am so glad you guys all went out and did something fun! It was so nice of you and Larry to have us out. We loved every minute of it. Thank you so much.

Love Mom

Myke said...

Welcome to the blog-o-sphere ma'am. Look forward to reading all your posts in the future!