Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fa La Freakin' Da

Well, pretty busy around here. So much to do and not quite enough time and energy to do it in. Taking it one step at a time. This week I had the unexpected honour (not quite) of making Christians class angel wings. Only 10 sets. But 10 sets! It was a lot more time consuming than I thought and after I do get finished I have a LOT of glue gun glue to scrape off of my floors. I was too deliriously tired to figure out a way to NOT get it on the floors. Speaking of my floors......they're quite 'festive' I must say. Full of gold garland strands all over and I've not swept the floors today or yesterday being as I'm not finished and will only make more of a mess.
Anyways, I wasn't planning on these 'wings' taking anywhere near this long and so while on Monday I thought I was pretty on par as far as being prepared for Christmas. I try really hard NOT to stress especially around Christmas. It makes it more enjoyable for everyone that way. I now have not only a little more shopping to do but also a lot more wrapping.
It will all be worth it and I'm sure I'll get done. On task for next week: more shopping, lots more wrapping, Happy Birthday Jesus party, Christmas programs (2), class parties (3), many more Christmas shows to watch, not to mention catching up on the laundry, taking my car in for a tune up (not a good time for this....lots of errands : ( )
Tis' the season to be jolly. People are driving like maniacs don't they know the songs? Tonight I almost got in a car (minor) accident, fender-bender would best describe it BUT didn't! Alls I could think of to say was 'merry freakin' Christmas! and Fa La freakin' Da!'
This is probably a pretty scattered blog but I'm pleading insanely tired and have a pretty sore back so there you have it. Happy holidays I'll try to post some pictures soon.


Myke said...

Wow- I'm glad you avoided the accident. Even a minor one would be a catastrophe at this time of year.

How you doing Sis? You and Lar still up for a double date? I don't know if it's a bad time right now because of the holidays (it sounds like you're quite busy!) But if you are available, call me (or better yet, call Dara- the one with the planning skills) and we'll do something fun.

Also, it's Christmas pageant seasons. Larry mentioned a few things going on. What's that schedule like?

Dara's quite sick right now, but that stuff only pops up once a year, so....

Love ya. Hope you're doing well.

Cherbear said...

Hey you, just re-read my blog. OOps. I guess I was tired and cranky.
I'm sorry to hear that Dara is sick, not fun!
Christmas programs as are follows: Chrish and Hannah are performing M-W from 8-930 and Emma's kindergarten performance will be on Friday at 10am. We're planning on going to see Han and Chrish on Tuesday.
As far as a dbl date I think we could possibly go out sometime this week or on the weekend. LMK what days work for you guys.....we're pretty open.

Myke said...

Shoot! Cher, I didn't see this until today (21st). I assumed you were going to email me... my bad. Larry kept me up-to-date about the pageants. Sorry I couldn't make it to any (no more evening christmas shows anymore, huh?)

Well, I hope you had a great week and you're all set for Christmas. We look forward to seeing you!