Thursday, July 26, 2007

Things I like........

Besides family and friends which are already a given......DUH.....
Some of the things I most enjoy are...........(and in no particular order)
-birds (thanks to my Gram I have a great appreciation and awe for God when I see them)
-exercising (though I should confess I haven't in months)
-coffee (YAY Starbucks)
-Ice Cream (what more can I say!) Lately it's been NY cream cheese Frozen yogurt topped w/ mixed berries
- the sunrise/set (especially by water, is like heaven on earth)
-singing (mostly when I'm alone so I can really let loose - my kids get a crack out of it too)
-spending one on one time with people
-seeing Larry or the kids faces light up about something ; D (LOVE that)
-photography (hope to take a class maybe this Fall)
-cleaning with the music blasting
-dressing up fancy
-having jammy day
-going on trips/traveling
-making lists (not that I always 'do' what's on the list but......
-finding pictures in the clouds
-finding the face on the moon/watching the stars
-fondues.... (cheese and chocolate!)
-going to the spa (facials, massages, mani/pedis)
-reading a good book (with no interuptions)
I'm sure I could go on and on and probably left out some stuff I'll kick myself later for but it makes me thankful to think of and see these things because they're apart of my life pretty regularly. I know I am a blessed woman ; D

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